How it works?

If you have your own grassland or a plot with Lucerne, you can have your crop dried by Grass Dryer Hartog. Anyone who opts for artificial drying of grass automatically opts for forage harvesting without any risks. As an entrepreneur you want to make optimum use of your own fodder production, Grasdryer Hartog is happy to help you with the (contract) drying of your own crop. We bring the dried product to your home in bales or chunks (6mm).


The harvest is done by you, if necessary Hartog can take this over (under contractual work)


Raking is done by you, if necessary Hartog can take this over (under contractual work)


After the grass/lucerne is raked, Hartog will come to chop and collect the product


Collecting will be done when we chop the product. The product will be delivered immediatly at the Hartog fabric to be dried


After collection the harvest will be unload at the Hartog fabric to be dried


“The product will be dried and producd in a product of choice:

Pellets, it’s possible to get your grass or luzerne back as a pellet. This is possible in big bags or in bulk

Bales, get your grass or luzerne back in big bales of +/- 360 kiligrams, the endproduct has a dry matter content of +/- 90%”


Hartog will deliver the product at your place

*Hartog can harvest and rake for you (under contract)

the benefits

Savings on the purchase of concentrates and therefore positive for the cycle indicator

No conservation losses, so higher nutritional value

Free from germs (para-TB)

High Resistant Protein

Labor saving (less field processing)

The large drying installation ensures a fully computer-controlled drying process at low tempratures, so that digestibility, smell, color, and taste are optimally preserved.

The dried product will be delivered to your home and placed in the plae you wish


The rates of wage drying depend on the distance from your company to the drying plant and the form in which you want the grass resturned. The rates apply up to 70% moisture, with each increase of 5% moisture, there is a surcharge on the price per kg of dried product. If you mow and mow dry in the wind, the value will remain below 70% moisture.


“At Grassdryer Hartog we deliver all products to any desired address in any form you want. In bales or in chuncks: big bags, silo or in bulk. 

It is usefull to know that our truck can take a forklift, so that the bales can be placed inside. Make sure you have enough space to store your product. 

Hartog ensures that the dried product is back to you within about a week!”


I am very satisfied with the dried grass bales from Hartog. When Hartog came to collect the grass under bad conditions they handled the land very well, so the damage was very limited. I use my dried grass for my sheep, they absolutely love it! They eat it up to the last krumble.

MTS Worp

Super grass! Cows gave a lot of milk from it, and the fat and protein remained steady. We have had autumn grass dried, which had not become good silage grass, but became super dried grass! The land was also left tidy.

Groot B.V.


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