As a farmer, it may be very interesting for you to grow lucerne or grass for Grasdrogerij Hartog B.V. Your own crop is sold to Grasdrogerij Hartog on the basis of agreements (contracting).


One (only with summer sowing), two, or three-year cultivation

Payment per kilogram of dried product

Less labor intensive

The roots of the lucerne plant improve the structure of your soil

Puts nitrogen in the soil making it more fertile

Achieved up to 5% higher yield on the follow-up cultivation (with 2 or 3 year cultivation)

Lower cultivation costs than wheat. Be able to sow yourself if you don't sow barley


With 1 year of summer sowing, you will not have the desired results of soil improvement

The crop is on your plot for 2 to 3 years

Every year, we cultivate a quarter of our building plan using organic lucerne. Not only does the crop provide a nitrogen supply in the soil, where potatoes and cereals are used as a follow-on fruit, but the crop also has a weed suppressing capacity. After two years of lucerne, the country is as good as clean. Steaks are cleared 90%, and I see hardly any leaves. An additional advantage is the fine soil structure after luzern cultivation.


'’Every year, we cultivate a quarter of our building plan using organic lucerne. Not only does the crop provide a nitrogen supply in the soil, where potatoes and cereals are used as a follow-on fruit, but the crop also has a weed suppressing capacity. After two years of lucerne, the country is as good as clean. Steaks are cleared 90%, and I see hardly any leaves. An additional advantage is the fine soil structure after luzern cultivation.’’

Harry and Ank Donker, Wieringermeer
Organic Farming Company, 55ha

"In recent years, the yield of lucerne has significantly increased, so that the cultivation now also yields some. In our construction plan, lucerne cultivation is well suited because it is not a family of the crops we cultivate. As a result, we do not have any fruit follow-up problems. It can thus be grown after each crop. Lucerne is a very good structural enhancer, because the plant carries very deep roots. In addition, lucerne cultivation works well against potato storage and has an inhibitory effect on aalties."

Biesheuvel B.V., Middenmeer
Farming Company, 130ha


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