Fiber Based Feeds, Made With Heart By The Hartog Family
Animal feeds available to fulfill your agro needs.

Carefully grown, prepared and nutritionally balanced selection of roughage feeds to complement the diets of a range of animals.

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Specialist in fiber and fiber feed blends

More than 70 years industry experience

Complete control of the growing and production process


Drying your grass or lucerne within Hartog means going for the best quality possible for your livestock. Also, for our own products we’re always happy to include new contract cultivators. We offer a good price and certainty of purchase. For questions you can always contact us without obligation.


20 kg

€ 15,25 (incl. BTW)

Geef jouw pluimvee de beste zorg met de Hartog Compact Luzerne Easy. Dit luzerne baaltje van 20 kilo voor pluimvee bevat alle nodige voedingsstoffen voor een gezonde en vitale groei. De compacte vorm zorgt voor een gemakkelijke opslag.


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Lucerne Mix Kalf

€ 17,45 (incl. BTW)

De Hartog Lucerne Mix is dé oplossing voor wie zijn jonge kalveren hoogwaardige voeding wil bieden.

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Compact Luzerne

€ 15,25 (incl. BTW)

Compact Luzerne is een uitstekende bron van voedingsstoffen voor pluimvee, en kan helpen om de gezondheid en productiviteit van de dieren te verbeteren.

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Compact Luzerne BIO

€ 15,25 (incl. BTW)

De Hartog Compact Luzerne EKO (20kg) voor Pluimvee (NL-BIO-01) bestaat uit 100% derde snede biologische Luzerne.

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Voernet 20 kg

€ 12,50 (incl. BTW)

Voor het verstrekken van de Hartog Compact Luzerne is een voernet voor pluimvee verkrijgbaar. Hartog stimuleert het gebruik van een voernet tijdens het verstrekken van Compact Luzerne aan pluimvee.

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Populair articles

Harvesting grass and lucerne 

Lucerne: A Fiber-Rich Feed for Laying Hens

Importance of Lucerne in Broiler Farming

Boosting Rabbit Health with Fiber-Rich Lucerne

Most common questions

The main activities of the drying plant involve the artificial drying of alfalfa or grass crop into bale or chunk. The dried product is then processed into horse feed, roughage for poultry and/or cattle feed.

Our drying plant has two drum drying installations. Both drying installations together have an evaporation capacity of over 90,000 liters of water per hour. The chopped crop is dried in a drying drum and processed into bale or chunk.

Lucerne is rich in protein and amino acids, making it an excellent supplement to concentrate feed for chickens. Moreover, alfalfa is artificially dried, which kills many fungi and bacteria. This feed will encourage chickens’ natural free-range behaviour and reduce boredom, which in turn reduces the risk of feather pecking.  

Hartog Lucerne Mix is a high-fibre product that stimulates rumen development in the young calf. The high natural content of nutrients such as vitamins A, B, E, Biotin, minerals and trace elements improves resistance and promotes healthy growth of the calf. Due to temperature treatment during the production process, the alfalfa is free of pathogens such as Para-TBC. The Lucerne is chopped short and therefore the calves already absorb it well in the first weeks of life.



SGW Dijkgatbos: we are present!

23 July 2024

On Saturday 27 July and Sunday 28 July, 2024, we will be present with our stand at the SGW Dijkgatbos competition. This competition takes place close to our roots in North Holland and is organised by the Wieringermeer riders. During this competition, you will enjoy a compound competition consisting of a dressage test, showjumping course […]

We are harvesting again at Hartog!

13 May 2024

It’s that time of year we’ve long looked forward to – harvest season has started again at Hartog! As a leading producer of various types of roughages for horses, chickens and other animals, we are excited to start again! At Hartog, harvest season is much more than just bringing in crops. It is a careful […]

We will be present at CSI** Ermelo from 1 to 4 May!

23 April 2024

CSI** Ermelo will be organised for the first time at the National Equestrian Centre in May 2024. The National Equestrian Centre hosts many different events and competitions every year, such as the Hippiade and the Indoor Championships. Win one month of free Hartog Digest! Over the entire event, we will also raffle off one month […]

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