Matt Harnacke

Matt Harnacke is a leading equestrian influencer, professional model, recreational dressage rider and founder of HorseWorldTV. On social media, Matt is known for scenic photos, impressive stable tours and entertaining content.

About Matt Harnacke

Matt has built an impressive online community of horse lovers. He has over 700 thousand followers on Instagram and around 500 thousand followers on YouTube. In addition to that, Matt Harnacke founded HorseWorldTV, an online content platform covering a wide range of equestrian topics.

Matt was originally born in Italy to an Italian mother and a German father. At ten years of age, he moved to Australia together with his family. In 2018, together with his beloved gelding named Chase Matt moved to the Netherlands. This move almost singlehandedly jumpstarted Matt’s career on YouTube as the recording of flying his horse intrigued a big audience. Since then Matt has bought more horses but he continues to live in the Netherlands to this day. 

Matt’s Approach to Horses

While caring for his animals, Matt prioritises their health and well-being:

I only want the best for my horses, their health and performance are my top priority. That’s why I am part of the Hartog family which has been able to support and enhance my horses’ well-being over the years. 

Matt Harnacke x Hartog Support

Throughout the years, Matt Harnacke has collaborated with Hartog on multiple occasions. However, perhaps their most significant work has been the Hartog Support series. In these videos, Matt Harnacke together with Hartog’s nutritionist, Maartje Reitsma, help viewers with the nutrition of their horses. During this visit, they discuss the horse or pony’s problem, after which the participant receives a detailed feed ration for 3 months. Hartog started this series together with Matt because we want to share our knowledge in horse nutrition. And what is the better way to do this than sharing it with regular horse owners? Want to participate in these series? You can apply here.

Matt’s Own Choice of Feed

When it comes to Matt’s own choice of Hartog products, he prefers to feed his horses with Hartog Condition and Hartog Digest. Harttog Condition are high-quality pellets with herbs developed to keep your horse in top condition. Whereas, Hartog Digest is a roughage mix specially formulated to support your horse’s digestive system. 

Check out Matt Harnacke:

Matt Harnacke

Andere ambassadeurs

Matt Harnacke

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